Because I thoroughly suck at writing "About" pages, please enjoy this Q&A format, and feel free to email me at if you have any questions.
What is this blog for?
Short answer: For blogging about anything book and beauty related! Long answer: I really have no idea. Basically the obvious as described in the short answer, but I'll probably get distracted like usual and post lots of art/traveling/writing/music/cat related things as well. Whatever interests me, I guess.
Who is writing the blog?
Well, that girl in the sidebar with the fancy mask is writing it. Her name is Andrea and she's nearing the end of her high school career (kind of), a concept both exciting and scary. Obviously, she is a huge reading and beauty nerd. Less obvious is that fact that she also loves art, music, milk, cats, snow, and pizza. She doesn't really have time for a blog, but is superb at ignoring things like homework and folding laundry in order to focus on more important things like mascara application and YA novels, and the following blog posts on such subjects.
What books do you normally read/review?
By far, the genre that I read the most is Young Adult (YA) fiction, and I almost always review only YA as well. I sometimes read adult fiction, but lots of times I just find it boring or tedious. However, I have read my fare share of classics for school and because, lets face it, when you whip out the classics you look quite knowledgable. Also, I will read anything nonfiction if it has to do with WWII or quantum physics.
So what about the beauty?
That part is here because I am a typical girl and I think makeup and fashion and hair and all of that, is awesome. And sometimes I find myself wanting to share my opinions with the world, hence, this blog.